
Di Balik Gerbang


Kenapa "Gerbang Nuswantara"?

Ada beberapa filosofi yang melandasi pemilihan judul novel ini. Pertama, karena isinya memang menceritakan tentang gerbang / portal / pintu masuk ke dunia "lain", sebuah dunia yang menyimpan segudang rahasia sejarah Nuswantara selama beberapa ratus tahun terakhir. Gerbang ini bisa berarti harafiah secara fisik, juga sebagai kiasan.

"Gerbang" adalah buku "perkenalan" dalam serial Nuswantara, yang akan membawa kita pada petualangan Rani dan Bima dan juga perjalanan spiritual dan pribadi kita dalam mengenal  dan memahami arti, sejarah, budaya dan leluhur asli bangsa kita sendiri. Gerbang Nuswantara juga merupakan pintu masuk kita menuju ke Kala Suba (referensi ada di halaman pengantar buku).

 illustration by @iwan_guna, edited by @ratuvictoria.

Behind The Gate

Why "Gate of Nuswantara"?

There are several philosophy behind the title of this novel. First, because it tells the story of a gate / portal / entrance door to the "other" world, a world that have been hiding the great secrets of Nuswantara history for the past few hundreds of years. This "Gate" could mean literally in physical matter and also as a metaphor.

"The Gate" is the introductory book in the Nuswantara series, which will bring us to Rani's and Bima's adventure in it, as well as our spiritual and personal journey in knowing and understanding the true meaning, history, culture and ancestors of the Nuswantara nation. "The Gate of Nuswantara" is also the entry gate for us to the Time of Suba (the reference is available in the introduction page in the book).


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