Frankfurt Book Fair 2015


Buku Gerbang Nuswantara versi bahasa Inggris, Gateway to Nuswantara (PBK), akan terbang ke Jerman dan hadir di Frankfurter Buchmese, tanggal 14-18 Oktober 2015 mendatang. Festival buku terbesar di dunia ini akan dihadiri oleh pecinta buku dan penerbit dari seluruh dunia dan Gateway to Nuswantara akan dipajang di sana.

Tulisan saya yang lain, NurZahra: A Grateful Ode to Nature and Culture (Afterhours Books), juga akan hadir di sana. Buku coffee table ini bertutur tentang modest fashion dan shibori-batik kontemporer yang diusung merk baju lokal NurZahra yang tengah naik daun di dunia mode internasional. Untuk kedua buku ini (dan buku lain dari Indonesia sebagai Tamu Kehormatan 2015), saya mohon doa restu dan dukungan kalian ya!

Frankfurt Book Fair 2015

Gerbang Nuswantara's English version, Gateway to Nuswantara (PBK), will depart to Germany and attend the Frankfurter Buchmese, next October 14-18, 2015. This world's biggest book fair will be visited by book lovers and publishers from around the globe and Gateway to Nuswantara will be displayed there.

My other writing, NurZahra: A Grateful Ode to Nature and Culture (Afterhours Books), will also be there. This coffee table book depicts the modest fashion and contemporary shibori-batik that carried by the local clothing brand, NurZahra. The brand is currently rising in the international fashion world. For both of these books (and for other books from Indonesia as Guest of Honour 2015), I implore for your blessings and support, please!


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