
Video Seri 'Nuswantara Code of Atlantis Empire'


Dalam rangkaian video ini, sebuah kelompok bernama Yayasan Turangga Seta menjabarkan berbagai informasi tentang Nuswantara, mulai dari sejarah "asli" suatu tempat, alasan adanya berbagai tradisi budaya di Indonesia, hubungan leluhur sampai penjelasan secara fisika dan astronomi tentang riwayat terjadinya alam semesta. Banyak hal luar biasa yang bisa kita dapatkan dari video-video ini, asalkan kita membuka pikiran seluas-luasnya untuk menampung informasi sebanyak (dan "segila") itu!

P.S. Ssst... sebagian besar ide trilogi Nuswantara didapat dari video-video ini, lho!
Cek seri videonya di Youtube.

'Nuswantara Code of Atlantis Empire' Video Series

In these video series, a group named Turangga Seta Organization describes various information about Nuswantara, from the "real" history of a place, the reason behind a cultural tradition is being held in Indonesia, the relation of the ancestors, to the scientific explanation in physics and astronomy about the story of the universe. We can get many extraordinary things from these videos, as long as we open our minds as wide as possible to gather all those (crazy) data!

P.S. Most of the idea of Nuswantara Trilogy came from these videos!
Check the videos on Youtube.


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