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Architects of Deception by Jüri Lina

Seorang penulis Estonia bernama Jüri Lina pernah menyebutkan dalam bukunya, Architects of Deception (2004):

Ada tiga cara melemahkan dan menjajah suatu negeri:
Pertama, Kaburkan sejarahnya;
Kedua, Hancurkan bukti-bukti sejarah bangsa itu hingga tidak bisa lagi diteliti dan dibuktikan kebenarannya;
Ketiga, putuskan hubungan mereka dengan para leluhur, dengan mengatakan jika leluhur itu bodoh dan primitif.
(Architects Of Deception – Secret of Freemansory oleh Jüri Lina)

Dengan teori ini, kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia telah dilemahkan dan kehilangan jati diri selama ratusan tahun, membiarkan penjajahan di atas negeri terjadi bukan saja dari serangan bangsa asing tapi dengan melupakan dan tidak percaya akan keberadaan leluhur. Jüri Lina membeberkan rahasia metode Illuminati, yaitu "Jika kamu bisa memutus hubungan manusia dengan sejarahnya, mereka akan mudah dibujuk."

Untuk mengantisipasi hal inilah, saya menulis buku Gerbang Nuswantara dalam rangka mengajak saudara sebangsa untuk mencari tahu kebenaran dan menggali sejarah, juga kembali berhubungan dengan leluhur kita dengan berbagai cara yang bisa kita lakukan masing-masing. Dengan begitu, kita bisa semakin mengenal siapa bangsa Nuswantara sebenarnya dan bisa kembali memegang kendali atas kekuatan negeri dan nasib bangsa ke depannya.

N.B. Tentang buku Architects of Deception, bisa dibaca di sini.

The Way They Fooled Us

Jüri Lina

An Estonian author named Jüri Lina once mentioned in his book, Architects of Deception (2004):

There are three ways to weaken and colonize a country:
First, falsification of history;
Second, removing important facts from history so the truth can no longer be researched and proven right;

Third, cut off their relationship with the ancestors by saying that their ancestors were stupid and primitive.
(Architects Of Deception – Secret of Freemansory by Jüri Lina)

With this theory, our nation Indonesia had been weakened and had lost its identity for hundreds of years now, by letting the colonization upon the country happen not just from the foreigners' attack but also by forgetting and resisting the existence of our own ancestors.
Jüri Lina had described the secret method of Illuminati: "If you can cut people off from their history, they can be easily persuaded."

To anticipate this was the reason I wrote Gerbang Nuswantara, to persuade all brothers and sisters of this nation to find out the truth and to dig out the history, also to rebuild the relationship with our ancestors in many ways that each of us can do. With this, we can understand more who we really are as people of Nuswantara and we can regain the control of the nation's strength and fate in the future.

P.S. If you want to read more about the book, click here.


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