'Gateway To Nuswantara' Segera Dijual Untuk Umum


Buku Gateway to Nuswantara akan mulai dijual di beberapa toko buku segera, yang sebelumnya hanya dijual di acara peluncurannya di Ubud Writers & Readers Festival tanggal 28 Oktober hingga 1 November 2015 silam. Setelah satu bulan, buku ini akan disebar di seluruh Indonesia di toko-toko buku tertentu yang menjual buku-buku berbahasa Inggris. Atau, kamu bisa memesannya langsung di buku@kompas.com.

Gateway to Nuswantara cover by @icaticaticat

'Gateway to Nuswantara' On Stores Soon!

Gateway to Nuswantara book is starting to be sold in some book stores soon. Before, this book was sold only on its launching at Ubud Writers & Readers Festival from October 28 until November 1, 2015. After a month, this book will be sold nationwide in selected book stores that sell English books. Or, you can always order it via buku@kompas.com.


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